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Which materials are sustainable?

Sustainable materials are mainly natural materials, but recycled materials and gentle dyeing methods also play a major role in sustainable collections. In this context, sustainability does not only mean the long-lasting quality of the garments, but above all the energy required for their production and their impact on nature are viewed critically.

The ever-increasing interest in sustainable fashion is not only good for the environment, but also for our skin. Natural materials such as linen, hemp, organic cotton, etc. are particularly good at being breathable. This means that items of clothing made from natural fibers are significantly less susceptible to unsightly sweat stains than synthetic fibers.

Curious about what else the new yarns have to offer?
Here you can find out everything about the most important sustainable materials at a glance:
T-Shirt aus Bio-Baumwolle von TAIFUN
Organic cotton
The feel of organic cotton will delight you:
The resource-efficiently grown material is soft, breathable, skin-friendly and very durable.

In addition, organic cotton is produced much more ecologically than conventional cotton:
  • no genetically modified seeds
  • 46% less pesticides, fertilizers and machinery use
  • instead of chemical pesticides, manure and compost are used as natural fertilizers during cultivation
↪ This allows the soil to retain more water, reducing water consumption by 91% (compared to conventional cotton).

Natural dyes

Mineral Dye

Nature Colours and Mineral Dye are sustainable dyeing processes using dyes from nature. For Mineral Dye, natural colour pigments are extracted from minerals such as sand, flint or red ochre. But dyes from plants such as lavender, olive, walnut or even pomegranate can also be used for natural dyeing. These are not grown specifically, but are obtained as a by-product of the food industry. The dyes create slightly washed-out effects that make each piece of clothing unique.

Undyed Story

The topic of undyed is just as important to us – this is where the current trend towards natural white and ecru tones meets the topic of sustainability, because the undyed fabrics save chemicals and water.